Saturday, May 12, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 12

May 12, 1972 – Minnesota Twins played 22 innings against the Milwaukee Brewers, losing 4-3. The game was completed May 13.

Friday, May 11, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 11

May 11, 1858 – “Electors of the newly created [town of] Richland met on [this date] and changed the name of their town to Richfield.”,_Minnesota

Thursday, May 10, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 10

May 10, 1823 - First mail-carrying steamboat, the Virginia, based in St. Louis, reaches Fort Snelling.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 9

May 9, 1921 – “Daniel Berrigan was born in Virginia, Minnesota. An author and a radical Catholic priest, Berrigan wrote about social responsibility and played an active role in the antiwar movement during the Vietnam era and later protested nuclear armament.
His brother Philip, also a radical priest, was born October 5, 1923.”

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 8

May 8, 1908 – Pat Hurley, said to be a cook at Gilbert, lost both legs at 7:30 o'clock this morning at Pettit, a station between Eveleth and Sparta, by being run over by a Duluth & Iron Range freight train. He was taken to the More hospital at Eveleth, where his right leg was amputated near the hip and the left leg just above the ankle.”  Hurley died of his injuries on May 11 and was “taken to the Virginia cemetery for interment.”,-mn-train-accident,-may-1908

Monday, May 7, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 7

May 7, 1889 –The first [railway] trip from Red Wing to Rochester was made on [this date].”

Sunday, May 6, 2012

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 6

May 6, 1896“Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the present capitol building in St. Paul.”