February 11, 1982 – Built in 1901, The
Palmer House Hotel in Sauk Centre, Minn., was placed on the National Register
of Historic Places on this date.
This first class hotel replaced the
old Sauk Centre House, the town's first hotel, which burned to the ground on
June 26, 1900. Modern for its day, The Palmer House
was the first building in Sauk Centre with electricity. Salesmen traveling by
rail regularly used the hotel for business meetings and relaxation. The hotel
soon became the cornerstone of Sauk Centre's downtown area and served as a
gathering place for the now-content locals.1 Sinclair Lewis was a night
clerk at the hotel,2 which is
now believed to be haunted.
Employees report:
- Regularly having to rearrange the rolled silverware settings in the dining room.
- Water turning on and off in various sinks while no one is around.
- Hanging stemware shooting out of their racks across several feet.
- Candle holders sliding across a table in the pub when no one was near.
- Floor lamps in the lobby turning on and off.
- TV in the pub turning on VERY loudly and only night clerk in the lobby.
- Glasses not simply falling off of shelves, but seemingly “thrown” down.
- Temperature dropping late at night in the lobby for 20 minutes or so.
- Hearing people up in the hotel at night when we didn’t have any guests.
- Following a “guest” upstairs only to have them simply NOT be there.
- Children asking me who that little boy is sitting on the steps. I don’t see him.
The Palmer House Hotel in Sauk Centre, Minn. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Palmer_House_Hotel_(Sauk_Centre).jpg
Other Haunted Places in
Hotel, Annandale, Minn.; see August 24, 2012 blog
Jackson Hotel, now Billy’s Bar & Grill, Anoka, Minn.; see December 8, 2012 blog
Forepaugh’s Restaurant in S.t Paul; see July 8, 2013 blog
LeDuc House, Hastings, Minn.; see October 30, 2013 blog