Saturday, October 26, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 26

October 26, 1843 – “Incorporation of the Stillwater Lumber Company with partners John McKusick, Elam Greeley, Calvin Leach and Elias McKean. The name Stillwater is chosen by John McKusick because of the stillness of Lake St. Croix and fond memories of Stillwater, Maine. The event marks the settlement of Stillwater.”1

On March 4, 1854, Stillwater was incorporated as a city, and on April 3, elections were held. John McKusick was named the city’s first mayor.2



John McKusick

Friday, October 25, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 25

October 25, 1892 – “James H. Burrell, a former Pullman porter, was appointed to the St. Paul Police Department. (20 years before the first Black officer was appointed in New York City.) This was twenty-nine years after the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. As far as can be documented, Officer Burrell was the first Black officer on the police force. ‘From the time of his appointment he served continuously at the Rondo Sub-Station and won the respect and confidence of his colleagues and superior officers by his faithful and meritorious performance at all times.’"

Thursday, October 24, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 24

October 24, 1907 – “There is much activity at the Hull mine [in Hibbing, Minn.] these days. Eight shovels are at work—four in ore and four stripping. The stripping is being carried on at the east end of the pit, and rapid progress is being made. At the south side of the pit, Drake & Stratton have one shovel, which is beginning the stripping of Mahoning No. 2. Six cottages have been put up for the accommodation of Drake & Stratton’s employees.

There are nine drills working on the Hull forties, east of the pit toward town, and the Steel corporation is evidently attempting to determine the exact lay of the ore body, which is credited by the state tax commission with being the largest in Minnesota.” 

Today, the Hull-Rust-Mahoning Mine in Hibbing is the world’s largest open-pit mine. Established in 1895, the mine was placed on the National Register of Historic Places on Nov. 13, 1966.

Duluth Herald; “Hull Mine Busy. Eight Shovels and Nine Drills Are Making Good Progress.”; October 24, 1907; p. 7.

Hull-Rust-Mahoning Mine in Hibbing, Minn.

Photo taken by Pamela J. Erickson. Released into the public domain Oct. 24, 2013,
as long as acknowledgement included.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 23

October 23, 1979 – “Former Minnesota Twins manager and current New York Yankee manager Billy Martin [was] involved in a barroom altercation [on this date] in a Minnesota hotel with Joseph Cooper, a Minnesota marshmallow salesman. Cooper required 15 stitches to close a gash in his lip. The fight leads to Martin getting fired by the Yankees one more time.”

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 22

*October 22, 1907 – The Duluth Herald reports on this date that “bids will be received by [Cloquet’s] City Clerk Joseph Loisel to erect a brick pump house at the reservoir at Spring Lake, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the city clerk. The concrete walls of the reservoir and the covering of the springs has (sic) been finished, and the digging of an outlet for the overflow is under completion. There is yet about 300 feet of ten-inch pipe to be laid to complete the pipe line to the city, and when this is laid, the ditch of the main pipe line filled in, and the pump house built, the work of getting water to the city will have been completed.”1


Original Cloquet Water Tower

The Cloquet water tower that survived the 1918 fire was a part of this new water system. In its August 8, 1908, issue, about six years after the idea of a water system for the city was first presented, the Cloquet Pine Knot announced that the "big pressure tank has been finished this week and on Wednesday about 3 feet of water was pumped into it, the intention being to fill it for a test."

1Duluth Herald; “Brick Pump House, Bids Invited by Cloquet for That Part of Water System”; October 22, 1907; p. 11.
2Photo taken by Pamela J. Erickson. Released into the public domain Oct. 22, 2013, as long as acknowledgement included.  

Monday, October 21, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 21

October 21, 1967 - Bill Goldsworthy scores the first goal in Minnesota North Stars history, beating the Oakland Seals' goaltender Charlie Hodge.

Saturday. Metropolitan Sports Center, Bloomington, Mn.

Bradley Breitzman photo

Sunday, October 20, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: October 20

October 20, 1818 – “The Convention of 1818 with Great Britain put all of Minnesota including the Red River valley under U. S. and established the 49th parallel as the U. S. northern boundary.”