24, 1912 – John Schwister, head of the aviation school at Fort
Snelling, received a broken left wrist and probable internal injuries this
evening when his airplane crashed about 60 feet from the ground, falling to the
earth near the riding hall. Nearly 100 persons, civilians and soldiers, saw the
plunge and hurried to the aid of the injured man, who was placed in an
automobile and rushed to the fort hospital.
John Schwister1
Accounts of the accident vary. While the most common accounts say that
Schwister was 1,000 in the air when his engine “died.” By skillful and
cool-headed steering, he managed to keep his plane afloat and sailed toward the
earth. When about 60 feet from the ground, it is believed that he encountered
wires leading from the riding hall that caused the plane to veer and finally
crash to the ground.
Witnesses of the accident said that the plane appeared to be sailing along
through the air when it suddenly seemed to pause for a second
until it suddenly pointed straight downward and fell.
Schwister had been in the air about 18 minutes, having left the aviation camp
about a mile from the fort and was circling the air above the grounds when the
engine stopped. It is then believed that he endeavored to keep the plane
straight by steering and floating in the breeze.
Schwister is said to be a good aviator. His plane was fashioned after the make
of the Wright brothers’ planes. This is not his first fall, having had several
accidents. Last fall his plane collapsed a few feet from the ground, but he
escaped with minor injuries.
Schwister’s Plane2
In today’s accident, the plane was practically demolished. It was left where it
lay all night, a detail of soldiers guarding it.

Schwister survived the crash. He died in 1927, and was inducted into the
Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame on Oct. 10, 1998.
The Minneapolis Morning Tribune;
“Aeroplane Collapses; Airman Falls 60 Feet. John Schwister Is Dashed to Earth While
Flying at Fort Snelling. Head of Aviation School Escapes Serious Injury—Machine
Wrecked. Engine ‘Died’ 1,000 Feet in Sky—Glide Saves Life.”; June 25, 1912; p.
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