27, 1910 – Lauran B. Paine of Duluth, Minn., acting captain of
the Cornell freshman football team in Ithaca, NY, died this evening from
supposed injuries received while playing football.
President Schurman this evening notified Franklin Paine, London Road, of his
son’s death, extending the sympathy of the university. Subsequently he issued a
statement regarding the case.
He said the boy was injured on Oct. 18 in a practice scrimmage, but the
attending physician did not think the injury dangerous. Young Paine went to the
infirmary that evening, but left the next day. On Oct. 21, complaining of a
sore side and chest, he returned on Oct. 22 and took a two-mile walk on Sunday.
On Tuesday he came back to
the infirmary in marked distress in his right side and an intense headache. The
pain yielded to treatment and the surgeons thought him out of danger until late
this afternoon, when he became worse and gradually sank until death occurred this
Lauran Paine was one of the most popular young men in Duluth, with a host of
friends and acquaintances. He was 20 years of age and graduated from Central
High School in 1908. As a member of the football team he established an
enviable reputation of being one of the best linemen among the state high
school players. Following his graduation from high school, he spent two years
at Andover studying electrical engineering. While there he played right end on
the football team and was one of the star hockey players of the institution.
He was a member of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. Dispatches received at the home
of his parents indicated his death was due to appendicitis brought on by football
The Duluth Herald; “Death Was Very
Sudden. Lauran Paine Succumbs to Appendicitis Following Injury in Football
Scrimmage. Dies in Cornell Infirmary Before Parents Know of Illness.”; Oct. 28,
1910; p. 20.
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