Saturday, May 25, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 25

May 25, 1953 – “The first triplets born at the St. Cloud Hospital since it opened in its current location arrived on [this date]. The three boys, Bradley, Bruce, and Brian, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kranz. All three were born [within] 5 minutes of each other; the first arriving at 8:00, the next at 8:02, and the third at 8:05 pm. The 22-year-old mother stated ‘I thought someone was joking two months ago when they said I’d have triplets. Now I know better.’ Apparently the father, also 22-years-old, didn’t believe it either until he found himself ‘three times as nervous’ as most fathers.”

Bradley, Bruce, and Brian Kranz with their mother, Mrs. Everett Kranz

Friday, May 24, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 24

May 24, 1907 - The Minnesota State Memorial is located on Union Avenue at milepost 0.6 of the [Vicksburg National Military Park] tour road. The 90-foot vertical column is made of Mount Airy, NC, granite, and features a bronze statue of a woman representing the "Statue of Peace." She is holding a sword and shield from both armies who have placed their weapons in her keeping.
The memorial was erected at a cost of $24,000 and dedicated on [this date]. The sculptor was William Couper.

Minnesota State Memorial, Vicksburg National Military Park

Thursday, May 23, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 23

May 23, 1857 – After a Minn. Legislature committee recommended that the warden of Stillwater Prison should not be held responsible for prisoners if the counties were lax in paying for their keep, an act to this effect was approved on this date. Warden Delano immediately freed prisoners from Winona, Nicollet, and Houston counties because payments were not forthcoming from the county commissioners.

Old Stillwater Prison,_by_James_Sinclair.png

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 22

May 22, 1934 – Samuel Lionel “Roxy” Rothafel [brought] his traveling show to the Minnesota Theater in Minneapolis. A Stillwater native, Roxy’s family moved to New York when he was twelve. As a young adult, he made his first venture into the young motion picture industry by opening a theatre in Pennsylvania.

He gradually worked his way up the show business ladder, gaining popularity by presenting a unique combination of vaudeville stage shows, movies, and razzle–dazzle. He continued on to build the majestic Roxy Motion Picture Palace in New York, design Radio City Music Hall, and bring the world the Rockettes (originally Roxiettes) dance troupe.

When he brings his traveling show to Minnesota, 500 Stillwater citizens form a 125–automobile caravan to his Minneapolis performance. It is said that in 1930's Stillwater, Roxy is as [well-known] as Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

Minnesota Theatre, 36-40 Ninth Street South, Minneapolis, Photographer: N. B. Andersen Photograph Collection, Postcard ca. 1930 Location no. MH5.9 MP3.1M r152

        Postcard of Minnesota Theatre, 36-40 Ninth Street South, Minneapolis, ca. 1930


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 21

May 21, 1975 - The James L. Lawther House, an octagon house in Red Wing, Minn., was built after Mr. Lawther visited Dubuque, Iowa, and toured the Langworthy House there. At the time, the Langworthy House was the grandest house of its type on the upper Mississippi River. The Lawther House was built in 1857, with an addition in 1870. Its location, at the corner of Third and Hill Streets, has been termed “one of the most architecturally significant intersections in Minnesota.” It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on this date.

“James Lawther was a successful businessman and merchant in Red Wing. Besides the house, he built the Gladstone Building in downtown. He also contributed to civic causes such as the Carnegie-Lawther Library, the YMCA, and the park on Barn Bluff.”

The James L. Lawther House, Red Wing, Minn.
Photos taken by Pamela J. Erickson. Released into the public domain May 21, 2013,
as long as acknowledgement included.

Monday, May 20, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 20

May 20, 1862 - The Homestead Act of 1862 was signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on this date. It gave settlers west of the Mississippi River1 “160 acres of public land, free, to settlers who lived on it and cultivated it for five years. This period could be shortened to six months, however, with the payment of $1.25 an acre.”2


President Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, May 19, 2013

On This Date in Minnesota History: May 19

May 19, 1871 – The Stillwater Messenger reports that, ‘A new stairway is being built on Chestnut Street, leading from Third Street to the old Court house hill.’ These stairs would prove helpful for the residents of Stillwater as the stairs led from the town to the more residential areas.”

Third St. and Chestnut St., Stillwater, Minn.

Stairway in Stillwater, Minn.

Photos taken by Pamela J. Erickson. Released into the public domain May 19, 2013,
as long as acknowledgement included.