Saturday, June 14, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 14

June 14, 2003 - Leanna “Beaner” Warner, 5, of Chisholm, Minn., disappeared on this date. She “was last seen one block south from her home on Third Street SW at approximately 5 p.m. She has not been seen since.”

Leanna “Beaner” Warner

Friday, June 13, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 13

June 13, 1968 - An F5 tornado struck Tracy, Minn., on this date. “The tornado killed nine people and injured 150 others as it tracked 9 miles (14 km) through Murray, Lyon and Redwood counties in southwestern Minn. It is one of only two official F5 tornadoes that have occurred in Minn., although several other tornadoes that occurred before 1950 are estimated to have been F5 strength. The tornado destroyed 111 homes, caused major damage to 76, and minor damage to 114. Five businesses were destroyed and 15 damaged. The elementary school and 106 automobiles were also destroyed. A heavy boxcar was heaved more than a block in the storm. Winds were estimated at 261 to 318 mph. Hard rains and hail were also reported.”

1968 Tracy Tornado

Eric Lantz, 16, of Walnut Grove, shot this award-winning photo of the Tracy tornado as it was leaving town. He often took photos for the Walnut Grove Tribune, owned by his uncle, Everett Lantz. This image by Eric was awarded third place in the 1968 National Newspaper Association contest for best news photo.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 12

June 12, 1873 - On this date, “farmers in southwestern Minnesota saw what looked like a snowstorm coming towards their fields from the west. Then they heard a roar of beating wings and saw that what seemed to be snowflakes were in fact grasshoppers. In a matter of hours, knee-high fields of grass and wheat were eaten to the ground by hungry hoppers.

The grasshoppers' dramatic descent was just the beginning. For five years, from 1873 to 1877, grasshoppers destroyed wheat, oat, corn, and barley fields in Minnesota and surrounding states. In 1876 alone, grasshoppers visited forty Minnesota counties and destroyed 500,000 acres of crops.”

Grasshopper Plagues

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 11

June 11, 1999 -“Conservation Officer [Grant Scott] Coyour and a civilian observer were killed in an aircraft accident while conducting an aerial moose telemetry survey over the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area near Baudette, Minnesota.

The 1977 Piper Cub the he was piloting was found by a Canadian government plane, which responded to his aircraft's emergency transponder beacon. Two Canadian paramedics parachuted down to the marshy area, where the plane was partially submerged, and found the bodies of both Officer Coyour and the observer.”

Conservation Officer Grant Scott Coyour

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 10

June 10, 1922 - The daughter of Vaudeville professionals, actress and singer Judy Garland was born Frances Ethel Gumm, in Grand Rapids, Minn., on this date.

Birth house of Judy Garland in Grand Rapids, Minn.

Monday, June 9, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 9

June 9, 1880 – Vice Admiral William Satterlee Pye, was born in Minneapolis on this date. He was “an Admiral in the U.S. Navy who served in World Wars I and II. His last active-duty appointment was as President of the Naval War College, 1942–1945.”

Vice Admiral William Satterlee Pye

Sunday, June 8, 2014

On this date in Minnesota History: June 8

June 8, 1895 – “A fire, which was undoubtedly of an incendiary origin, started in the Cloquet Lumber company’s lower mill yard at 4:20 this morning. Fifteen million feet of choice lumber was destroyed. The loss is $150,000. It is fully insured. Nearly all of the lumber in this yard was last season’s cut, and was bone dry.”

St. Paul Sunday Globe; St. Paul, Minn.; June 9, 1895; p. 1.

Photos taken by Pamela J. Erickson. Released into the public domain June 8, 2014,
 as long as acknowledgement included.