Saturday, August 25, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 25

August 25, 1937 – Pipestone National Monument, the first of two National Monuments in Minnesota, was established by an act of Congress on this date.


This legislation also restored quarrying rights to Native Americans, who today are the only people allowed to quarry the pipestone. “Native Americans, including the Dakota, have mined pipestone (catlinite) from the quarry inside the monument for hundreds of years.”

Indians quarrying pipestone at pipestone quarries,
Pipestone Minnesota, 1908

The second National Monument in Minnesota is the Grand Portage National Monument, established in 1958.




Friday, August 24, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 24

August 24, 2006 - An outbreak of 14 tornadoes hit ND, SD and Minn. on this date. “The outbreak spawned three F3 tornadoes, one of which caused a fatality in Kasota, Minn. The severe weather outbreak also produced many reports of severe hail which caused $130 million in damage across several states.”

Photo by storm chasers Simon Brewer and Mark McGowan

If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


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Thursday, August 23, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 23

August 23, 1862 – The town of New Ulm, Minn., was surrounded and attacked by more than 650 Dakota warriors on this date. “Soon after the battle began, the settlers, who were stuck in close, cramped quarters and afraid of disease, began to burn the town buildings because the [Dakota] were using the buildings as cover. By nightfall, more than 190 buildings had been burned to the ground. Only three blocks in the center of town remained.

The next morning, the [Dakota] fired a few rounds into the town before they left. In total, 24 settlers, including Captain William B. Dodd, were killed in the battle, although [Judge William] Flandrau and the troops had been able to hold the town center.”
Public domain. Painted by Henry August Schwabe.

If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 22

August 22, 1917 – Referring to a poster advertising the proposed meeting Friday at Lester Prairie, McLeod County, where Thomas Van Lear, socialist mayor of Minneapolis, will be the principal speaker, Governor Burnquist today repeated with emphasis that no disloyal demonstrations are to be permitted in Minnesota.

Minneapolis Mayor Thomas Van Lear1

“If un-American statements are made at any public gathering in this state, prompt arrests will follow,” declared Governor Burquist.

A large picture of Mayor Van Lear appears on the poster announcing the “Nonpartisian league meeting and grand patriotic demonstration” at Lester Prairie. Patriotic music will be furnished, says one display line, while another asks:

“The war has cost millions of lives and billions of dollars—who is going to pay?”

This poster and smaller ones received at the Governor’s office give large type to the announcement that “Mayor Van Lear will speak on the war.”

Governor Burnquist, when asked whether drastic action against outbreaks would be ordered through the McLeod county sheriff, as was done Sunday at the meeting at Lake Manuella, in Meeker County, Where Sheriff Mike Kouslak arrested A. L. Broms, St. Paul Socialist leader and draft foe, simply repeated that un-American meetings cannot be tolerated in Minnesota.

Minnesota Governor Burnquist2

Reports reached the capitol today that F. A. Teigen, a son of State Representative A. F. Teigen, will attend at the Lester Prairie gathering.

The Minneapolis Morning Tribune; “Governor Repeats Warning; Disloyal Meetings Tabooed. Posters Announcing Lester Prairie Program, With Van Lear, Reach Capitol.”; Aug. 23, 1917; p. 8.



If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


Discover your roots, and watch the branches of your family tree begin to grow.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 21

August 21, 1891 – George “Bugs” Moran, the Chicago Prohibition-era gangster, was born in St. Paul, Minn., on this date. 

Bugs Moran1

“He moved to the north side of Chicago when he was 19, where he became affiliated with several gangs. He was incarcerated three times before turning 21. On February 14, 1929, in an event which has become known as the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, seven members of his gang were gunned down in a warehouse, supposedly on the orders of Moran's rival Al Capone. He has been credited with popularizing the act of driving by a rival's hangout and spraying it with gunfire, now referred to as a drive-by shooting.”


St. Valentine's Day Massacre

If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


Discover your roots, and watch the branches of your family tree begin to grow.

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Monday, August 20, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 20

August 20, 1802 - George Bonga, a fur trader of African American and Native American descent, was born on this date in what is now Minnesota [near Duluth]. “He was famous in Minnesota for being, as his brother Stephen claimed, ‘One of the first two black children born in the state.’ [Bonga] was also recognized for tracking down a suspected murderer in 1837, an Ojibwe named Che-Ga Wa Skung, [and] bringing the perpetrator back to justice at Fort Snelling. The ensuing criminal trial was reputedly the first in Minnesota.”

George Bonga

If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


Discover your roots, and watch the branches of your family tree begin to grow.

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: August 19

August 19, 1922 – Dr. John J. Eklund, a prominent and well-known Northland physician, was shot and killed in his office downtown Duluth on this date by John Maguson, who then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide.  Magnuson was being examined by Dr. Eklund’s son, Dr. W. J. Eklund, who shared an office with his father. As the junior Eklund walked Magnuson out, the killer opened the door to the senior Eklund’s consultation room and shot the doctor and then himself. Both men died instantaneously.

Dr. James McAuliffe, deputy coroner, said Magnuson was a victim of mental derangement caused by a form of Bright’s disease. Police are still looking for a motive.

Duluth News-Tribune; “Crazed Invalid Murders Duluth Surgeon in Office, Kills Self, Motive is Mystery”; Duluth, Minn.; Aug. 20, 1922; p. 1.

Dr. John J. Eklund


If you are interested in finding out more about your family history in Minnesota, I specialize in researching  genealogical and historical records in Minn. and western Wis., including:
census records,  birth records,  death certificates, obits, grave site photos, ship passenger lists, marriage records and declarations of intent/naturalization records.  I will visit locations to research local history and county records, as well as take photos. Quick turnaround on MNHS records. Both short searches and family history reports available.


Discover your roots, and watch the branches of your family tree begin to grow.

Website: > click on Family History

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