2, 1913 – The new bridge across the lagoon near 28th
Street West and Lake of the Isles Blvd, which connects Cedar Lakes with Lake of
the Isles, is thought to be haunted.
Every morning between 2 and 3, the story goes, the form of a man rushes across the bridge and utters at frequent intervals a piercing cry for “help.” The cry has been heard by many of the residents of that neighborhood. Joseph Tyra, 2573 Lake of the Isles Blvd., and Patrolman G. E. Patrick are positive the bridge is haunted.
The “ghost” made its first appearance the morning of Dec. 31, at 2:10 a.m. Mr. Tyra was awakened by hearing the cries for help. He jumped out of bed and looked towards the bridge. Tyra says he saw the form of a man rush across the bridge, and in a d=few seconds run back. Each time “it” uttered a piercing cry for help.
Tyra dressed and hurried to the bridge. He made a thorough search, but could find no trace of any man. The police were notified and a party of officers went to the bridge. They had hardly left the neighborhood when there were two loud screams. Policeman Ralph Welbaum is positive that he heard screams.
About 3 a.m. New Year’s day, Tyra awoke and thought that he saw the “ghost” again. However, no screams were heard that morning.
This morning at 2:10, Policeman Patrick was a block from the bridge when he was startled by hearing three loud cries.
Drawing his revolver, Patrick ran to the bridge but found nothing unusual. He thought a man might have fallen through the ice, but found no broken ice.
“I was scared, and not ashamed to admit it,” said Patrick.
The police were at first inclined to believe that the cries were uttered by someone playing a joke upon them, but nightly visits to the bridge have caused them to abandon their view.
The Minneapolis Morning Tribune; “Ghostly Shrieks Frighten Citizens and Policemen. Several Positive Bridge Over Lagoon Is Scampering Place for ‘Ha’nts.’ Patrolmen Certain They Heard Cries for Help at Different Times.”; Jan. 4, 1913; p. 1.
Photos taken by Pamela J. Erickson.
Released into the public domain Jan. 2, 2016, as long as acknowledgement included. __________________________________________________________
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