Tuesday, January 23, 2018

On This Date in Minnesota History: January 23

January 23, 1912 – Nearly seven years ago John Mattson filed on a government homestead of 160 acres near Biwabik, Minn., and with the help of his wife cleared and cultivated the tract. Besides his labor he invested $4,200 in buildings and stock.


Today Mattson called on Governor Eberhart and State Auditor Iverson and appealed to them to save him from the loss of his place. An investigation brought to light the fact that the 160 acres had been taxed by the federal government to the Minnesota State School Fund and that his title was not worth the paper it was written on. The land was swamped and had been given to the state two years before he filed.

While ready to offer all the sympathy they could, both Eberhart and Iverson stated that they were powerless to help him, and the only way out of the difficulty would be for him to repurchase it from the state. This means that the land must be offered at public sale and given to the highest bidder.

Gov. Adolph O. Eberhart2

How the federal government land office ever allowed Mattson to file on lands that two years earlier had been transferred to the state is not known. Both Eberhart and Iverson promised that they would try to induce the next legislature to reimburse him for the sums he will be called upon to pay for the land a second time.

Minneapolis attorneys interviewed today on Mattson’s predicament were unanimous in the opinion that the only recourse he had was to induce the legislature to enact a special measure empowering the state treasurer to reimburse him.

One attorney said Mattson might induce the federal government to give him preference on other lands, but that he could not force it to do so.

The Minneapolis Morning Tribune; “Man Toils Long for Farm Only to Find Title Void. Homesteader Loses Place He Worked Seven Years and Spent $4,200 On. Government Erred in Allowing Him to File on Land State Owned.’”; Jan. 24, 1912; p. 2.




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